Friday, November 20, 2009

The oxytocin Make Hot Orgasm

WHEN achieve orgasm, the sensation of pleasure can not be disclosed. However, do you orgasm psychological effect on the body?

When you successfully reach the peak of sexual pleasure, automatically increases endorphin hormones. Immense joy and thrill that arises, therefore, can menurukan stress levels.

When women reach the Big O, can facilitate the menstrual cycle, blocking breast cancer, and balancing appetite womanhood.

Based on the news Knows She quoted from, oxytocin is the main hormone your body that are released during orgasm in progress. This hormone also gave no measurable sensation as the body in a state of tense ".

Oxytocin acts as a neurotransmitter and plays a key role in facilitating uterine contractions during labor and help women while breastfeeding.

In a study that recently found show, the hormone oxytocin also plays an important role to provide sexual arousal. Not only that, these hormones can also increase confidence and reduce fear.

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