Monday, December 7, 2009

Green LifeStyle For the Day & Month "National Planting Movement".

Government (President SBY and its board) launched, 28 November 2008 as the Day of Planting Movement and Moon Planting in December as the Government creates Green Lifestyle is supposed to support us all, especially in urban water catchment areas are very quit small.the woek may one way to prevent the effects of global warming, prevent air pollution or prevent the occurrence of floods tiba.when this season should be followed simultaneously in all regions Indonesia.actually the forest began to bare, it's dangerous if not immediately prevented from re-greening and held.

Citing the President's call Barack Obama elected U.S. (Child Menteng) "Let us together create a better world than now, for our grandchildren". Yes for Children of our grandson, a call is in line with the World Great Leader Statement Prophet Muhammad (Syalam and He solemnly directed to and Family and friends He), the Prophet of this statement more or less goes like this "If you know tomorrow if the world would end, but there are still in your hands palm seed, then plant the seeds of dates". In another narration the Prophet SAW to have said "Plant a tree, because this is the charity field for you". That is when the tree bear fruit (still or after the death of us) anyone who ate the fruit trees we planted, whether animals or thieves, even though we still get the reward the reward from him. (For the Religious experts, please correct it if this hadith if any, with all humility I say that I do not know exactly what this hadith sahi or not).

Green LifeStyle already should be our style, ranging from individuals (ourselves and our families) of course, because we can not just sit on my hands and asked who should start? .. So it's good efforts of this government with our support, ranging from self - me and you of course, no matter how small any of our actions, the most important thing we must immediately start today too.Action ..!

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