Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the right way for slimmer stomach

Was diligent in aerobic but not too flat stomach. Exercise crunch never forget but the stomach seems even bigger. Something wrong?! This is all wrong has been done continuously and the latest scientific research has revealed the things that really!

If your underwear collection becomes even more difficult to narrow buttoned, what would you do? Like many other women, you may immediately make a strict diet, sit-ups every day, and diligent aerobics (Fitness Equipment) or jogging. Is how it can succeed? Could be! But often times what happens is you lose weight for a moment and then rose again. In other words, this method offers only an instant success.

In fact, the more 'severe', your stomach still bloated! Why? It's sports, really, still bloated? Practically swollen belly is a problem almost everyone, men women, young and old. The difference is, people often think of men belly as a symbol of prosperity even though the risk of heart disease actually much larger. For women, this is absolutely not true. So Do not be surprised if many women who feel this is a big problem, especially when it comes to clothing selection.

In essence, belly really ruin the appearance! To streamline the stomach, most people do diet, exercise abdominal muscles, or do aerobic exercise (fitness equipment) such as jogging, cycling or walking. These methods do not completely wrong. Unfortunately all these methods will not be effective if done individually.

Only a diet can indeed lose weight. But your body will become loose due to too rapid loss of muscle and fat. In addition, the diet actually increase your appetite, slow metabolism, and increase the risk of loss of muscle that trigger an increase in weight again.

Another way is abdominal exercises like the crunch, bicycle (fitness equipment) and others working to develop abdominal muscles, but not to reduce abdominal fat. It could be your waist size actually increases after diligent crunch.

This is because your abdominal muscles grow but still accumulate belly fat. Weight loss can be accelerated with aerobic exercise. But strangely enough, still, a lot of complaints from those who diligently aerobic (fitness equipment). It becomes more slender body, but why stomach still outstanding? Yes, it is because often the less is the fat in the face, thighs, and arms, not the fat in the abdominal area. In fact it's hard abdominal fat is removed.

Here's the latest research results!

Actually diet, abdominal exercises and aerobic (fitness equipment), all play an important role in the formation of a slender stomach and tight. If ultimately it does not bring maximum results, it is because there are many people who apply them one by one. In fact, the key to streamlining the stomach is ... a combination!

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