Sunday, December 20, 2009

slender tips with acupuncture

Often times, the intention of dieting collapse easily because only unable to refuse a treat to eat. Maybe, it's time you need help. Alternative assistance currently is rising I-punktur therapy (Acupuncture Course). Although reportedly cespleng enough to lose weight, in fact this therapy is not magic. Stay strong commitment needed to change the pattern of unhealthy living.

According to dr. Lily Djodoadmodjo (technical advisor acupuncture) and dr. Indra Taudik Odang (acupuncture practitioners) from Centrum for Life Care, if the body in balance (good metabolism, quality of food intake, and sufficient activity, should not be a fat person (acupuncture courses).

Conversely, if these factors were not balanced, people will easily get fat. Foods that should be burned, instead piled so fat. Imbalance is that it tries to overcome with the technique of acupuncture (acupuncture courses).

Therefore, before you start (a course of acupuncture) was stabbed a needle, the patient should be examined closely, including through inspection pulse, tongue, and nutrient (a method of Japan, by looking at the blood where it is blocked). For example, if it is detected that the emotions and hormones out of balance conditions, which must be treated first is the problem. Logically, how could alter eating patterns, cope with his own emotions when he has not been able (acupuncture courses).

In slimming process, the number of needles used was the same in every person, depending on the condition of their bodies. There's no point did the standard or absolute. The depth of needle stabbing vary (acupuncture courses), depending on the cause of obesity. There are only enough until the upper layer of skin, some are up to the layer of fat.

In acupuncture, 5 elements in the life of any influence in the food balance that must be consumed, namely:

1. Timber elements (sour taste), symbolizes the liver and bile.
2. Elements of fire (bitter taste), the symbol of the heart organ and the small intestine.
3. Elements of land (taste sweet), symbolizes the spleen and pancreas.
4. Metallic elements (spicy taste), the symbol of the lungs and large intestine.
5. Elements of water (salt), the symbol of the kidneys and bladder.

All think it needs to be combined with a balanced, for the health of each organ they signify (acupuncture courses). Then, the so-called balanced how? According to dr. Lily, again it was back on the condition of their bodies. If you have a tendency to diabetes, sugar intake should not be much. Or, if you want more healthy kidneys, consume the kinds of salty foods, but not to blood pressure rose sharply, because it can actually provoke another disease

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